Monday, April 26, 2021

Rabbiting on about the moonlight.

The story is going to sound weird, but I assure you it's true. Every night I go swimming. Usually for a half hour to 40 minutes. I have not missed a day since January 1st. But that humble brag is not what this story is about. It's about a rabbit.
A tiny tiny wee rabbit.
There's lots of rabbits in the desert; you can see them pretty much everywhere. And yes, one rabbit pretty much looks like another.
But this wee rabbit is different.
For starters, he is particularly tiny. (I'm assuming that he's a he. I'm afraid I haven't asked him his preferred pronouns.) And I don't mean that he is a baby rabbit; he shaped like a full size rabbit, just smaller.
A fun-size rabbit if you will.
As an aside, what is up with that expression "fun size? What does the size of something have to do with it being fun? (Please don't answer that.) But particularly disturbs me is that it implies that other sizes are not fun. "I'm sorry, you ate the bigger candy bar. You are no longer going to have fun. Cue maniacal laughter...)
But,, as always, I digress.
My fun size rabbit has another distinguishing feature; he has a smudge of white on the right side of his face near his nose. Just like my cat Smudge. We Rab's (for some inexplicable reason the tiny rabbit has become Scottish) smudge is quite larger than Smudge's smudge. It's also more defined in it's outlined, so it's also less smudgier than Smudge's smudge.
Anyway, to the point of my tale. (I originally had a pun here on "cottontail," but I deleted it.)
My rabbit friend likes to come swimming with me. Pretty much every night. Well, I swim and he nibbles the grass near the pool. But we are both the last people to use the pool every night, and it's almost always just the two of us alone. I'm grateful he shares the pool with me. After all, his ancestors were here long before me, and his descendants will be here still long after I've left.
It's really peaceful to swim at this time of night, especially on a night like tonight, with a full moon shining through the palm trees. There's only a slight breeze, but it carries the scent of night blooming Jasmine from somebody's garden. With the surrounding quiet, it makes the whole scene both beautiful and a little surreal.
Or as wee Rab might say, "it's a braw bricht moonlit nicht ta nicht."
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my extreme loquaciousness, but sometimes, just like the moon itself, I am compelled to wax eloquently.
Wax on, wax off.

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