Sunday, April 18, 2021

I probably would not enjoy having a beer with the owner of this car.

Presented without judgment, but with highlights for those of you with small screens and or little inclination to zoom in.
15 year old Buick with the most Buick paint job ever. Check.
(Full disclosure; I have a Buick that is almost as old, in the same color.)
Second amendment sticker. Check.
Torn and faded Trump 2016 sticker. Check.
Oil lobby sticker promoting unrestricted drilling. Check.
Blue handicapped parking tag hanging from rear view mirror. Check.
Believe it or not, I really am not making any judgments here. I am just curious why anybody would want the world at large to know that much about them just by glancing at their car.
I guess we tend to do everything in the same way we do anything.
And while I'm writing this, I realize that I have a small sticker on my car. Nothing bad, or political, or controversial in any way, but something I no longer want to say about myself.
I'm now going out to my car to remove it. :)
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my not so subtle condescending snidness at entitled boomers.

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