Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Radio Silence and more on the Fish Tea

I apologise for the recent lack of bloggy-ness. There has then a break in my online connectivity as I transition from US to UK accounts. Normal service is now resuming.

Oh, and by the way, for my non-UK readers, "fish tea" does not refer to a pescetarian beverage, but rather is the Scottish name for an upgraded fish and chips dinner, typically including a buttered slice of white bread and sometimes peas as well, especially if it's not a takeaway. ("Tea" is used here as a synonym for the evening meal."Supper" is also commonly used. "Dinner", is often used as a name for lunch, especially in an institutional setting.)

Although very simple, when done well there is something magical about the combination of fish, chips and peas..

Somewhat ironically, the best drink to accompany a fish tea is not tea, but Irn Bru.

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