Sunday, August 18, 2013

Huey Lewis and the News

So I'm here in Southampton (Long Island, not the home port of the Titanic), buying a sandwich (pastrami on rye with mustard and dill pickle, thanks for asking) and I notice that Huey Lewis and the News are playing at the theatre across the street. So I go to my car and get my clipboard where I keep all of my move-related paperwork and walk into the side door of the venue. Nothing suggests that you belong somewhere you don't like an official-looking clipboard. As I walk in somebody yells "hey Rich" (I think) "does this stay here or back in the trailer?" Rich, who could be my long-lost twin (Mom?) hollers back "here!" as I walk torward the back and find a seat. I proceed to eat my sandwich in the semi-darkness whilst occasionally looking at my clip board, the better to create the illusion I belong. It probably doesn't hurt that I'm wearing a black t-shirt (the universal uniforn of the roadie) with "Rickenbacker" on it (thanks John) The sound check is almost done and all of the band except for Mr Lewis is on stage. Surprisingly, it's quite quiet- no noodling. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder- busted! "Are you in charge?" asks a man wearing mint green golf shorts. "You wan't Rich" I reply, "he's down there on stage". His reply (which I assume was some variation on "thanks") is drowned out by the band starting to play, sans Huey. I don't recognise the song. Now HL&tN is not really my cup of tea, but it it is obvious that the band is really tight and they put on a good show. A guy walks on stage and the band stops. It's Mr Lewis. The band launches into "Heart of Rock and Roll" and gies it laldy, as they say back home. It sounds purt-y damn good. I finish my sandwich (also PDG) and head toward the exit. Before I leave, I happen to make eye contact with his Lewisness. I wave my clipboard in appeciation for the dinner music, and he nods back (I think he did, it could have been his blues-singer face).

Rock on, Big Huey Lewis, Rock on.

Sent from my HL&tN PURE™, a Windows 95® phone from AT&T

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