Saturday, August 31, 2013

I which I inadvertently stigmatise an artist who is probably perfectly competent.

Whilst having breakfast thus morning at the summer-verb place, I overheard the following conversation between two gay couples. They were obviously connected with the arts scene and were debating the artistic merits, or lack thereof, of a fellow traveler. "Oh!", said one, "he's such a poseur; the only large-scale work he's ever done was painting 'See Rock City' on the side of a barn." I'm afraid at that at that very moment the brakes failed on my appropriate-social-interaction machine and I blurted out, "but in the South, barn-painting is a perfectly legitimate style; it's called 'mangerism'". All four of them stared at me for a moment because, well, the whole failed-brake social interaction thing. Then they laughed; "mangerism! That's perfect! When any one asks, we'll just say he's a mangerist! No one but us will get it! They then started to riff on this, saying that the artist in question was going through his "red period" and that his medium was "al fresco", etc., etc,.

I think I may have created a monster, so to the artist in question, I apologise deeply for maligning your work.

Unless you really are crap, in which case, get it up ya.

Sent from my HTC OOHSNAP!™, a Windows® phone from a Soho loft and don't try to understand my genius, because it's beyond you and I am destined to not be appreciated during my lifetime™

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