Sunday, August 25, 2013

Meatballs (and worse) for breakfast.

I am having the breakfast buffet at Friendly's® (home of the not-suggestive-at-all Happy Ending® sundae). The buffet has the strangest selection of anti-meridian comestibles I has ever encountered. Besides the usual eggs, bacon, pancakes, etc., the preprandial panoply includes:
Meatballs in marinara sauce.
Chicken stir-fry.
Fried mozzarella sticks.


Wait for it...

Assorted sushi.

I asked the waitress about this unusual selection and, thinking that I was complaining (I wasn't, just a bit perplexed), became a bit defensive- "hey, lots of folks like meatballs for breakfast" and who was I to question her knowledge of local grazing traditions? I reassured her that I wasn't complaining, just curious. Especially about the sushi. "Yeah, that is a bit weird. The owner gets it from the sushi bar down the road- I think it's what's left over from last night." But who eats sushi for breakfast? "Oh, hipsters from Southhampton; they think it's decadent or ironic or something". Sure enough, there was a small crowd of trilby-bedecked young men and women sashaying 'round the sashimi,
reeking of smugness and last night's PBR.

Sometimes, I am convinced that there must be a looking-glass nearby that I accidently stumbled through.

Sent from my HTC WTF?, an alternate universal Windows® phone from the bowels of hell.

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