Friday, August 30, 2013

Small Comforts

I'm having a late dinner at the diner. When I walk in, the teen-something counter dude seats me (in an almost empty restaurant) right next to three tables of post-date bright young things, who are self-absorbingly nattering about matters that won't matter ten years from now in a most stentorian manner. When my waitress (who I've had before) comes to take my order, she looks over at the loudsters and says to me, "this isn't Thanksgiving". I shoot her a questioning look and she continues, " you don't have to eat at the children's table- would you like to move to somewhere a bit more quiet?"
I gratefully accepted.
Thank you, kind waitress, thank you.

Sent from my HTC PUREQUIET™, a Windows® phone from the other side of the restaurant.

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